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Lit Camp is a juried writers conference. We accept only 40 of the best writers of fiction, memoir, and narrative nonfiction. Genre writers welcome.


For 2022 we have 5 full scholarships available. Two of these are designated for BIPOC writers. One is for Latinx writers. Scholarship accommodations will be in double-occupancy Platform Tents. 

important dates

October 15, 2021: Submissions open ($25 fee)


January 31, 2022: Submissions close


April 1, 2022: Notification of acceptance


April 15, 2022: Non-refundable payment due

(Payments are due in full. Credit cards accepted.)


May 22 - 27, 2022 Conference

how to apply

There is a $25 reading fee to apply.


Applications will be made online through Click on any of the APPLY buttons on the site to be taken directly to the submission page.


If there is a compelling reason you cannot submit online, please contact the Admissions Coordinator.

What to Submit

No more than 4,000 words of your best unpublished prose. (Pieces published on personal blog sites are acceptable.)


Your submission need not be what you intend to workshop at Lit Camp.


Submissions can be a collection of several short pieces, i.e. more than one short story or essay, or a section of a longer work.


Please indicate whether you are submitting fiction, memoir, or narrative nonfiction.


Please title your submission as follows: Lastname-Genre-Title.


Wondering what to submit? Our judges are looking for originality, a story that hasn't been told before...or a familiar story told in a fresh way.


Lit Camp alum (& Board Member) Emily Cooke has some advice here

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Lit Camp was founded in 2012 to help writers get their books into the world. Since that time, many of our Lit Campers have gotten book deals from major publishers and published their books. 

Lit Camp is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. We are committed to never turning away any writer who is accepted into Lit Camp for financial reasons. Please consider donating to Lit Camp.

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