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Our classes

From time to time, we offer both in-person and online classes. Classes are always taught by writers who are published in their particular genre.

Online classes are always recorded, in the event you have to miss a session. 

In-person classes are held at Page Street, our co-working space at 297 Page at Laguna in SF.

Classes are limited in size to ensure every participant receives attention.

A limited number of scholarships are available for all classes. Please write to us if you'd like to be considered for a scholarship to a particular class.

Preference will be given to writers from the BIPOC and other underserved communities.

Upcoming Classes

Click below to choose online or in-person classes

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Lit Camp was founded in 2012 to help writers get their books into the world. Since that time, many of our Lit Campers have gotten book deals from major publishers and published their books. 

Lit Camp is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. We are committed to never turning away any writer who is accepted into Lit Camp for financial reasons. Please consider donating to Lit Camp.

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